Our Story

We grew up in a house that played a lot of games. Be it board games or card games, they brought us closer in exciting and memorable ways.

In 2023, we were honored to receive Gitcoin GCP-006, which enabled us to create Ace—a pioneering regen card game. We hope the cards give you as much joy as they have given us.

Bro-founders, Colton & Kinley Orr

  • Colton Orr

    Creative Director. Formerly a Gitcoin Creative Director and Spider-Man Character Artist (Sony). Art Portfolio.

  • Kinley Orr

    Game Designer. Lifelong game wizard, massage therapist, subwoofer tinkerer, dog dad.

Ace Manifesto

Welcome to Ace, a trading card game that connects us to each other and the technologies that empower us to be heroes in the world.

Our vision of games goes beyond entertainment – we create experiences that help us grow, empower us to give, and connect us to each other.

Ace isn’t just a game—it's a gateway. A window into the vast universe of web3 where each card offers a snapshot of the pioneers, innovations, and events that are shaping the future of tech. Think of it as 'metaverse mythology'.

For the TCG fans, remember the joy of unwrapping a new card and the thrill of learning about the character on it? Now imagine that feeling, but instead of fictional monsters, you're uncovering real-world innovations and the heroes and villains behind them.

This is the most extensive art project we have worked on. We welcome your insights to elevate Ace, with various opportunities awaiting those eager to shape its future.

As a wise regen once said, “it’s all coordination”. This is a game we’re playing with our friends, and it’s a game we’re playing with the world. Let’s bridge the gap between our web3 tech and the global community it can serve and play our way to a brighter tomorrow.

A heartfelt thank you to the Gitcoin community for their generous support. 20% of the profits from the Alpha Edition will be channeled back to the Gitcoin Matching Pool to fund future projects.